Hi new friends! My name is Jordan – Air Force wife, dog mom, full-time Food Scientist and part-time blogger over here at Jordan Jean. I’m so excited to be here today to talk about something I’m very passionate about – making a house feel like a home. It’s so cliché, I know. But the reality is that it’s something us military families have to deal with every few years. I firmly believe that no matter where the duty station is located, a house should be a place that brings you joy and immediately makes you feel comfortable when you step through the door. I’ve learned through the moves that there are a few ways to help you achieve that:

Add rugs.

This is the first thing on the list for a reason. I know that rugs are not the cheapest option but I have found that no matter what house we’re in, whether it’s a rental, old as dirt, or brand spankin’ new, adding a rug immediately makes a space cozier. I tend to lean towards neutrals (my style love language) with touches of blues and it makes it much easier to work into different homes and spaces. I’ve also seen some really beautiful colorful rugs though that have also been able to move from house to house with ease. Some of my favorite places to purchase rugs from are Rugs USA, Boutique Rugs, Joss & Main and thrift shops. Never buy a rug full price at any of these places. Rugs USA in particular always has 50-55% off sales. You just have to be patient. 😉

Add pillows.

This is another really easy way to cozy up a space. Like rugs, this is another one of those things that I believe can immediately make a space feel cozy. Heck, even on a crappy couch. Throw some cute pillows on that thing and you’ll be shocked! Don’t be afraid to add some fun textures + colors (especially if everything else is neutral in the space, pillows are a great way to add in some flare!) As for where to find them… I’ve done my fair share of pillow shopping. HA! Some pillows can be unreasonably expensive to the point where I look at the price tag and think, “Does it make me breakfast in the morning?” I refuse to spend my hard-earned money on those especially considering I walk a tight line wondering whether or not they’ll become my dogs next chew toy. Instead, I shop for pillow covers at Hobby Lobby (near the fabric) when they’re 50% off, Home Goods/TJ Maxx (duhhhh), IKEA and sometimes Target.

Add curtains.

If you’re able to do this in your home, this is another must! I used to avoid curtains simply because I didn’t want to have to put all of the hardware up and then take it down for the next PCS. Then one day a couple of bases ago I was at a friend’s house and felt so comfortable there. I kept looking around to try to understand what made me feel that way and then it hit me. She had curtains! Don’t get me wrong, her house was cute and all but even though it was just a rental on a training base, those curtains really made it feel like home to me. Ever since then I at least hang curtains in the main living area before focusing on any other décor around the house. They don’t have to be expensive either! I have an easy drop cloth curtain tutorial here.

Change out the lighting or add more lighting.

My husband and I built the house we live in now and moved in a few months ago. We customized a lot when designing it but we decided to leave all of the lights as cheap as possible so that we could change them all ourselves. We knew that we could find some really cool lights that fit our style and completely transform the rooms so in the months leading up to the closing day, we hunted for lights. We found a lot of them at thrift stores, Amazon, Joss & Main, Lowe’s, etc. Little by little we’ve been changing out all of the lights and we can’t tell you how much of a difference it has made. We love it so much that we said that even if we end up keeping the “new” lights we picked out and installed in this home here, that we’ll do the same thing for the next house. Tip: If you love your lights so much and want to move with them, just keep the original lights in the attic in a box. That’s what we’re doing at least. 😉 Another tip: If you don’t want to worry about hardwiring lights like sconces, for example, this magic light trick by Nesting With Grace is one of the greatest things EVER!

Hang pictures/artwork.

As long as all of your walls are bare, you’ll feel like you’re a visitor. Make the space YOURS by hanging your favorite pictures, artwork, memories, etc. on the walls.

Add some greenery.

Quite often I get a room all unpacked + arranged, then look around and think, “Hmm.. It’s still missing something.” I’ve learned that if I add a plant, wreath, or really anything that radiates LIFE (even if it’s not actually living ha!) the space immediately feels so much more inviting.

Light your favorite candle.

This may sound odd but just trust me… As soon as your house starts to smell more like home, it will feel more like home. Grab a couple of your favorite candles and light them around the house. If anything, at least the smell of the house will make you smile!

The last thing and probably most important thing I’ll say about making a house a home is this —

Only fill your home with things that bring you and your family joy

. Look at every single item in your home +land ask yourself, “Does this bring me joy?” If not, let it go. While shopping, ask yourself the same thing. Does this bring me joy? Or am I just buying this because it’s “what’s in” right now? You could follow every single tip I mentioned above but really what it all comes down to is that if you don’t like the pillows you added or the curtains you hung in the first place, your house will never feel like HOME to you. Surround yourself with what makes you + your family happy and before you know it, your new house will feel like home.

With Joy,

Jordan Jean

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