• AFB (Air Force Base) – Military air station
  • AD (Active Duty) – Full-time servicemember
  • ACC (Air Combat Command) – MAJCOM that supports the national security strategy through fighter, reconnaissance, battle-management, and electronic-combat aircraft
  • AETC (Air Education and Training Command) – MAJCOM responsible for recruiting, training, and educating Airmen
  • AFGSC (Air Force Global Strike Command) – MAJCOM that develops and provides combat-ready forces for nuclear deterrence and global strike operations
  • AFRC (Air Force Reserve Command) – MAJCOM that provides operational capability, strategic depth, and surge capacity to support the greater Air Force mission
  • AFSOC (Air Force Special Operations Command) – MAJCOM that provides the Air Force component units to support special force operations
  • AMC (Air Mobility Command) – MAJCOM that supports global air mobility through airlift and aerial refueling
  • A&FRC (Airman and Family Readiness Center) – Installations you can typically find on-base that offer programs and services to support Airmen and their families
  • BX (Base Exchange) – The shopping center available on most bases and available to shop online with a military ID card
  • CEM (Chief Enlisted Manager) – Highest ranking enlisted member in a squadron
  • CAC (Common Access Card) – Access card issued to anyone with government computer access (AD members, civilians, etc.)
  • CAG (Commander of Air Group) – Navy admiral in charge of entire air wing, part of a carrier strike group
  • CONUS (Continental Unites States) – The 48 states between Canada and Mexico
  • COMPTUEX – Navy large-scale exercise as part of workups in prep for carrier deployments
  • CC (Commander) – Title of a person (typically ranked military member) in charge of a group of people
  • CDO (Command Duty Officer) – A watch officer available after normal working hours, during holidays, and weekends as a point of contact for the unit. 
  • CGO (Company Grade Officer) – Lieutenants and Captains
  • CO (Commanding Officer) – Navy Commanding Officer–05 and above
  • CO (Commanding Officer) – Marine Corps or Army officer in charge of a military unit; can be anywhere from O-3 and above
  • CS (Culinary Specialist) — cooks on the ships, in garrison, or at a base
  • DEERS (Defense Eligibility Enrollment System) – Online database that contains information for each uniformed service member (active duty, retired, or reserves), and their eligible family members. Registration is required for TRICARE eligibility and enrollment. Also the facility that issues CACs and dependent ID cards for base access and services.
  • DO (Director of Operations) – Second highest squadron rank to the Commander
  • DRC (Deployment Readiness Coordinator, formerly known as the FRC – Family Readiness Coordinator) – an employed civilian assigned to a unit(s) to serve as the family members’ point of contact for all unit communication, resources and referral information, readiness and deployment support, and volunteer management.
  • FGO (Field Grade Officer) – Rank range referring to Majors and above (Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel)
  • JAG (Judge Advocate Officer) – Air Force Attorneys
  • JOPA (Junior Officer Protection Association) – Navy ward rooms of 0-2s and 0-3s only
  • LES (Leave and Earning Statement) – Monthly report of what the servicemember has earned for pay, their leave balance, entitlements, and how much has been withheld from taxes.
  • L.I.N.K.S (Lifestyle Insights, Networking, Knowledge, and Skills) – A program created to help the families of Marines and Sailors become more familiar with military lifestyle and customs. Cover topics like ID cards, DEERs, TRICARE, Marine Corps traditions, pay and deductions, and benefits.
  • LPO (Lead Petty Officer) – the chief’s go to person in the Navy; will likely select for chief
  • MAJCOM (Major Commands) – An Air Force organization that falls under the direction of the United States Air Force
  • MARADMIN (Marine Administrative Message) – An official message or memorandum issued by Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) that can affect Marines (promotions, command boards, opportunities, etc.)
  • MCAS (Marine Corps Air Station) – Marine Corps air base 
  • MCB (Marine Corps Base) – A Marine Corps installation
  • MCCS (Marine Corps Community Services) – A set of programs and resources (wellness, fitness, careers, family, and more) available at every Marine Corps base that foster community amongst Marines and their families.  
  • MCX (Marine Corps Exchange) – The shopping center available on Marine Corps bases and available to shop online with a military ID card
  • MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) – A system that utilizes a 4-digit code to categorize career fields. (01XX: Admin, 02XX: Intelligence, 03XX: Infantry, 04XX: Logistics, 05XX: Plans, 06XX: Communications, etc.) 
  • MX (Maintenance)–could be MX, MXO, etc
  • MWR (Morale, Welfare, and Recreation) – Coordinates most events/activities on each base. Offers programs to get connected and benefits to explore the local area
  • NAS (Naval Air Station) — navy base with a flightlight and designated squadrons
  • NS (Naval Station) — navy base with only ships or other critical purpose
  • NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer) – Rank range referring to SSgt (E-5) and TSgt (E-6)
  • NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer) – For Marine Corps and Army, rank referring to Cpl (E-4) and Sgt (E-5)
  • OCONUS (Outside the Contiguous United States) – Anything outside of the 48 United States falling between Canada and Mexico (including Alaska, Hawaii, additional US Territories, and all other countries)
  • ODO (Operations Duty Officer) – Used at Marine Corps Air Stations; serves as the point of contact for flight line operations or questions
  • OpsO (Operations Officer) – Marine Corps officer in charge of all unit training and planning. Also referred to as “the 3”. Designs the TEEP (training, exercise, and employment plan) ahead of a deployment schedule.
  • OPSEC (Operational Security) – The process of protecting critical and sensitive information about military operations
  • OSI (Office of Special Investigation) – Federal law enforcement and counterintelligence agency for the Air Force
  • SNCO (Senior Non-Commissioned Officer) – Rank range referring to MSgt (E-7) – CMSgt (E-9)
  • SRO (Senior Ranking Officer) – The highest-ranking officer in a given situation
  • SWO (Surface Warfare Officer) –  Navy officer whose job is to navigate, steer, and command ships of all sizes
  • TOC (Tactical Operations Center) – A command post, typically for a special operation
  • TOS (Time on Station) – Length of time at one duty station
  • TSP (Thrift Savings Plan) – Government-sponsored retirement savings and investment plan, similar to a 401K
  • WIC (Women, Infants and Children’s Overseas Program) – A program designed to provide nutritious food, tips on how to prepare balanced meals, nutrition and health screenings, and other resources that help eligible overseas families lead healthier lives
  • PRAP/PRP (Personnel Reliability Assurance Program) – A program designed to ensure personnel are reliable to perform nuclear-related responsibilities
  • PRD (Peer Review Date) – Navy’s last review of your time in the command before you check out, and detach from the command, before moving to your next duty station
  • PSD (Personnel Support Detachment) — where to obtain military ID on base
  • OGV (Official Government Vehicle) – A vehicle owned and operated by a government agency that is typically exempt from certain fees
  • XO (Executive Officer) — second in command in a squadron behind CO

  • BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing) – an allowance to offset the cost of housing when you do not reside in government-provided housing; BAH is dependent on geographic location, rank, years of service and dependency status.
  • COLA (Cost-of-Living Allowance) – An allowance service members may receive to offset the cost of living in more expensive areas of the continental U.S as compared to the average cost of living in CONUS.
  • DITY (Do-It-Yourself Move) – Just like it sounds, this means you’ll be packing up all of your household goods and moving them yourself to be reimbursed by the military, rather than organize your move through military movers
  • EAS (End of Active Service) – conclusion of the period of active duty commitment for a service member
  • FITREP (Fitness Report) – An evaluation used by the Marine Corps and Navy to record performance of enlisted (E-5 and above, E-4 and below do a JEPES – Junior Enlisted Performance Evaluation System) and officers. These are the primary driver of promotions. 
  • OCOLA (Overseas Cost-of-Living Allowance) – An allowance service members may receive to offset the higher cost of living OCONUS as compared to the average cost of living in CONUS.
  • PCS (Permanent Change of Station) – An assignment to a new duty station, which will typically range anywhere from 2-4 years
  • Partial DITY (Partial Do-It-Yourself Move) – You opt to move some of your belongings and have the military move the rest, you will be reimbursed for the items you move (by weight)
  • POV – Privately Owned Vehicle
  • PPM (Personally Procured Move; also known as DITY) – See DITY
  • RIP (Report on Individual Personnel) – Notification of assignment before official orders are “cut”
  • TAD/TDY (Temporary Additional Duty/Temporary Duty Station) – An assignment to a location that is not considered permanent, these orders can be as short as a few days or as long as a year
  • VML (Vulnerable to Move List) – Typically comes out a few times each year and is a list of people vulnerable to move, being on this list does not necessarily mean you will move
  • YMAV (Year/Month Available to Move) – This is the date the Solider is projected to be available to report to a new assignment

  • MFLC (Military Family and Life Counselor) – an experienced, licensed (Masters or Doctorate-level) behavioral health professional assigned to the unit available for use at no-cost to Marines and their family members
  • PCM (Primary Care Manager) The PCM is responsible for routine health care and refers service members and dependents to specialist when needed
  • TRICARE – Health care program serving uniformed service members, retirees, and their families
  • USFHP – US Family Health Plan – Equivalent to TRICARE Prime benefits, off base + only available in certain areas

  • ACSC (Air Command and Staff College) – Sometimes referred to as “Air University”, this is an advanced educational training
  • AFSOC (Air Force Special Operations Command) — Air Force specialized missions command
  • BCT (Basic Combat Training) – Initial 10 week combat course when entering the Army.
  • BLT (Battalion Landing Team) – An infantry unit supporting a Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) in deployment. Consists of three rifle companies, along with artillery, light-armored reconnaissance, assault amphibian, and combat engineer attachments.
  • BMT (Basic Military Training) – An initial 8-week training to be considered eligible to join the Air Force
  • BOLC (Basic Officer Leadership Course) – A two-phased training course designed to commission officers and prepare them for service in the United States Army. Prospective officers complete Phase I (BOLC A) as either a cadet (United States Military Academy or Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) or an officer candidate (Officer Candidate School (United States Army)) before continuing on to BOLC B as Second Lieutenants.
  • CFT (Combat Fitness Test) – Annual Marine Corps fitness test to assess a Marine’s physical capability in a broad spectrum of combat-related tasks
  • FEX (Field Exercise) – An battalion-level exercise for the Marine Corps infantry to improve upon combat skills and deployment readiness.
  • IOC (Infantry Officers Course) – After completing Officer Candidates School (OCS) and The Basic School (TBS), infantry officers attend this 10-week course to prepare for service as company-grade officers in the fleet.
  • MARSOC (Marine Forces Special Operations Command) — Marine Corps’ elite special forces, called “Raiders”
  • MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) – A forward-deployed, sea-based force composed of over 2,000 Marines and Sailors onboard various amphibious assault ships. A MEU deployment consists of most, if not all, of the Marines’ time on ship. 
  • OTS (Officer Training School) – A way to commission as an officer without attending an academy or ROTC. Usually with a bachelors degree or a certain number of college credits if currently enlisted
  • PFT (Physical Fitness Test) – A semi-annual Marine Corps evaluation that has three events: pull ups, crunches, and a 3-mile run
  • PME (Professional Military Education) – Marine Corps schools that focus on the development of leadership, warfighting and staff operations
  • ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) is a group of college- and university-based officer-training programs for training commissioned officers of the United States Armed Forces. This is completely in tandem with a four-year degree. Completion proceeds basic officer leadership course / training.
  • SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) – Training program that teaches survival, evasion, resistance, and escape tactics
  • SOS (Squadron Officer School) – Professional education training program for Air Force Officers
  • TBS (The Basic School) – Located at Marine Corps Base Quantico, TBS is where all newly commissioned (or appointed, for warrant officers) officers are taught the basics of being an “Officer of Marines”. 
  • UDP (Unit Deployment Program) – A type of deployment for Marine Corps units where they will be assigned to geographic locations in the Western Pacific for approximately 6 months. A majority, if not all, of this time will be spent on land.
  • WOCS – WOCS is a five-week course designed to train, assess, evaluate, and develop warrant officers for fourteen of the U.S. Army’s sixteen basic branches (excluding Infantry and Armor).

  • AC (Aircraft Commander) – The ultimate authority on the aircraft – regardless of rank; in terms of progression, the next level is IP
  • AR (Aerial Refueling) – The process used in-flight to transfer fuel from one military aircraft to another
  • ATC (Air Traffic Control) – Those that direct the movement of aircraft in and out of military airfields
  • CT (Cross Training) – When Instructor Pilots fly together for training purposes
  • EP (Evaluator Pilot) – A pilot qualified to give check rides to verify the abilities of other pilots; in terms of progression, this is the top
  • FAC (Forward Air Control) – Marine Corps pilots who are tasked out from the aviation field to directly support ground combat units (infantry).
  • FAIP (First Assignment Instructor Pilot) – Pilots that are assigned to a training base as an Instructor Pilot for their first duty assignment post-UPT
  • HAC (Helicopter Aircraft Commander) — Navy JOPA pilot who qualify to sign for the helicopter
  • HMH (Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron) –  Marine Corps  squadrons that fly CH-53E Super Stallions
  • HMLA (Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron) – Marine Corps squadrons that fly [Cobras] Bell AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters and/or Hueys [Bell UH-1 Iroquois]
  • IFF (Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals) – A course designed to transform newly graduated pilots selected to fly fighters into fighter wingmen
  • IP (Instructor Pilot) – A pilot qualified to teach/instruct others; in terms of progression, the next level is EP
  • MAG (Marine Aircraft Group) – equivalent to a regiment on the ground side; consists of several squadrons. 
  • MAW (Marine Aircraft Wing) – equivalent to a division on the ground side; consists of several Marine Aircraft Groups.
  • PIT (Pilot Instructor Training) – The training program required to become an instructor in a given aircraft
  • SDO (Squadron Duty Officer) – A watch officer available to the squadron after normal working hours, during holidays, and weekends as a point of contact for the unit. 
  • SORTIE (Flight) – Typically used in the Air Force in reference to a flight/mission; more generally it can mean a deployment or dispatch of one military unit, be it an aircraft, ship, or troops
  • UPT (Undergraduate Pilot Training) – The training program required to become a pilot in the Air Force
  • URC (Unit Readiness Coordinator) – Active-duty Marine in the squadron who serves as the direct link between Marines and their family members. Gives out command information, resources, deployment support, and ensures mission readiness.
  • VMFA (Marine Fighter Attack Squadron) – Marine Corps squadrons that fly jets
  • VMGR (Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron) – Marine Corps squadrons that fly KC-130s
  • VMM (Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron) – Marine Corps squadrons that fly MV-22 Ospreys
  • VMU (Marine Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron) Marine Corps squadrons that fly unmanned aerial vehicles (MQ-9A Reaper)
  • WTI (Weapons and Tactics Instructor Course) – Marine Corps 7-week course hosted at Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma which puts Marine Corps aviators through a full range of advanced aviation operations. This course is set to train the Marine Corps’ most advanced pilots to become training experts in the fleet.
  • XC (Cross Country) – Typically referencing a cross-country flight, which turns out…isn’t always “across the country”

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